We have opened nominations for the brand new Top 30 UK Game Makers 2025 list, set to be unveiled at Pocket Gamer Connects London (January 20th-21st).
It will act much like previous Top 50 Mobile Game Makers lists, but with a key difference: this year, it will celebrate the UK’s best developers across all platforms, including PC and console.
If you think your company should be on the list, or you believe someone else should be considered for inclusion in the Top 30, be sure to let us know all about why it deserves to be among the best via our lobbying form.
Don’t delay. nominate today!
Nominations close on Friday, December 13th, 2024.
Eligibility and criteria
It’s a celebration of the UK games scene ahead of Pocket Gamer Connects London. The Top 30 UK Game Makers list covers developers and publishers of all sizes. (Tool providers, engine makers, ad networks, and other service providers and middleware vendors are not eligible for entry.)
Final placement in the Top 30 list is an editorial decision, and the criteria expand from quality and quantity of new games released and financial performance over the last 18 months to notable innovation or impact on the industry, cultural importance, and future potential.
Submit your nomination now here. Nominations end on Friday, December 13th, 2024.
Not sure what it’s all about? Check out the list of Top 50 Mobile Game Makers 2024 right here to see previous lists.
For advertising opportunities, email [email protected].
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